Alz Magazine: Fall Edition
Thank you to the Alzheimer’s Association for selecting my response to “What’s One Think You Do To Show A Loved One You Care?”. I responded to this question on LinkedIn several months ago because I wanted to share what makes my mom happy. Growing up, my mom cooked non-stop. She loved to spend her time visiting grocery stores and Lombardi’s, the fish market. My mom would host elaborate dinner parties with our fine bone china from England and handmade elaborate tablecloths from Italy. She would prepare several appetizers, main course items and desserts. Cooking was her passion, but food is still her passion. To make her happy, I stream the cooking channels on YouTube. She also loves classic Bollywood movies, old hindi songs and Indian cooking shows, so I make sure her day is filled with this kind of variety. My regret is that I never learned from her. I vaguely remember some stuff, but never imagined she would “forget” how to cook or be able to go to the kitchen.